What Medicare rebates can I get access to?

Medicare rebates are provided to eligible patients under the Government’s ‘Better Access to Mental Health Care’ initiative.

Am I covered by my private health care?

Please check with your private health care provider, it will depend on your level of coverage.

How much does an appointment cost?

The fee structure is dependent on the type of couselling required, eg couple counselling, individual counselling or sex therapy.

Does counselling work?

Generally people who seek out counselling have recognised that they wish to make positive life changes and look for assistance to improve their emotional and psychological wellbeing.

Is counselling confidential?

Counselling is confidential and what is discussed in counselling remains confidental.

However, you need to be aware that according to the Psychology Board of Australia’s Code of Ethics, there are some limitations to this confidentiality rule – for example, if there is an immediate or specific risk of serious harm to a person’s safety, or if a client’s file is subpoenaed by a court.

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